Up: PHYS 30101

PHYS 30101 Applications of quantum physics



There are 6 examples sheets that will be posted here, roughly one for each two weeks, plus one revision sheet (7). Apart from the revision class in week 3, only four examples classes will cover this course (in weeks 4, 7, 9 and 11). You should get into the habit of starting work on each sheet during the week of lectures on the relevant material. There is more on each sheet than can be covered in a one-hour class, so you need to work on the examples before each class so that you know which problems you want to ask the tutors about.

If you have any questions or run into difficulties between classes, you should: go to the Physics Help Service, use the discussion boards on Blackboard, save up your questions for the next examples class, or come and talk to me.

Solutions will be issued after the corresponding classes, or at the end of the semester.

  • Third-year examples sheet 1 (class in week 3)
    • Examples 1 (week 1, lecture 1 and revision of PHYS 20101)
  • Third-year examples sheet 2 (class in week 4)
  • Third-year examples sheet 4 (class in week 7)
  • Third-year examples sheet 6 (class in week 9)
  • Third-year examples sheet 8 (class in week 11)
  • Final examples sheet (no class; solutions will be issued at the end of semester)
  • Revision sheet

Previous exam papers (with bottom-line answers):

Further useful examples for revision practice can be found in the exam papers for the predecessor of this course, PHYS 30101 Quantum mechanics (formerly PC 3101), and (even further back) a second-year course, PC 230 Quantum mechanics. These all included sections on tunnelling, spin, and magnetic interactions of atoms, corresponding to Sections 1, 3 and 4 of this course. I haven't yet found any good sources of extra questions for Section 2 Trapped particles or Section 5 Quantum information.


23rd May 2014

Up: PHYS 30101