Here is a graph of the number of greens over 100 and 1000 moves.
We see that, after the first 100 moves, the system stayed between almost all of the time. These
are quite large in percentage terms,
%, but then it is a very small system--not really macroscopic at all.
If we now look at a larger system, , we see that fluctuations are still visible, but they are
much smaller in percentage terms-the number of greens is mostly
, or
A 25-fold increase in the size of the system has reduced the percentage fluctuations by a factor of 5. We will see
later that an -fold increase should indeed reduce the fluctuations by
. We can predict that a system
counters--truly macroscopic--would have fluctuations of only about
%, which would be
quite unobservable. The entropy of the system would never appear to decrease.