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PC1672 Advanced dynamics

4.5 Principal axes

A rigid body is dynamically balanced when its angular momentum is parallel to its angular velocity:

\begin{displaymath}{\bf L}=\underline{\underline{\bf I}}\cdot\hbox{\boldmath {$\omega$}}
=I\hbox{\boldmath {$\omega$}}\end{displaymath}

where $I$ is some (scalar) number. For this to be true, the angular velocity $\hbox{\boldmath {$\omega$ }}$ must point along a principal axis of the moment-of-inertia tensor. The corresponding value of $I$ is called a principal moment of inertia.

The principal axes are the eigenvectors of the tensor $\underline{\underline{\bf I}}$ and the principal moments are its eigenvalues. In component form, we can find these by solving a $3\times 3$ eigenvalue problem. The eigenvectors satisfy the set of linear equations

\begin{displaymath}\pmatrix{I_{11}-\lambda&I_{12}&I_{13}\cr I_{21}&I_{22}-\lambd...
...32}&I_{33}-\lambda}\pmatrix{\omega_1\cr \omega_2\cr \omega_3}=0\end{displaymath}

Nontrivial solutions for $\hbox{\boldmath {$\omega$ }}$ exist only if the determinant vanishes,

\begin{displaymath}\left\vert\matrix{I_{11}-\lambda&I_{12}&I_{13}\cr I_{21}&I_{22}-\lambda&I_{23}\cr

This characteristic equation is a cubic in $\lambda$, with three solutions: $\lambda=I_1$, $I_2$ and $I_3$. To find the eigenvectors, we substitute in turn each eigenvalue back into the set of linear equations. Only two of the equations will be independent and we can use these to determine the direction of the corresponding eigenvector. The magnitudes of the eigenvectors are not determined and so we often choose unit eigenvectors ${\bf e}_i^{\rm P}$ to specify the directions of the principal axes.

The moment-of-inertia tensor is symmetric and so its eigenvalues and eigenvectors have similar properties to those of a real symmetric matrix:

In some cases a rigid body has degenerate principal moments, $I_1=I_2$ (when the characteristic equation has a repeated root). Then any vector in the plane of ${\bf e}_1^{\rm P}$ and ${\bf e}_2^{\rm P}$ is also a principal axis and we can choose any convenient pair of vectors in this plane as principal axes. To summarise:

If a body has an axis of symmetry then rotations about that axis will be dynamically balanced; in other words that axis is a principal axis. Hence we can use the symmetries of a body to recognise principal axes:

By using these along with the orthogonality property above, we can determine all three principal axes for many bodies with simple shapes. If we choose our coordinate axes to lie along these directions, then we can find the principal moments without having to solve the corresponding eigenvalue problem: they are just the moments of inertia about our three principal axes.

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Mike Birse
17th May 2000