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Hint 7

The principal axes are ${\bf e}_3$, normal to the plate, and any pair of perpendicular axes lying in the plane of the plate. The principal moment about the ${\bf e}_3$ axis is

\begin{displaymath}I_3={Ma^2\over 6},\end{displaymath}

and, by the perpendicular axes theorem, the principal moments about the other two axes are

\begin{displaymath}I_1=I_2={1\over 2}I_3.\end{displaymath}

(a) Since $I_1=I_2$, the Euler's equation for $\omega_3$ becomes


Hence $\omega_3$ must be a constant.

(b) The other two equations simplify to

$\displaystyle \dot\omega_1+\omega_2\omega_3$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle 0$  
$\displaystyle \dot\omega_2-\omega_3\omega_1$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle 0$  

Note that these equations are a special case of the ones for the freely rotating symmetric top. They can be solved by differentiating one equation with respect to $t$ and using the other to get a second-order differential equation for either $\omega_1$ or $\omega_2$. Alternatively we can define a complex ``coordinate"

\begin{displaymath}\eta=\omega_1+{\rm i}\omega_2.\end{displaymath}

This satisfies the first-order differential equation

\begin{displaymath}\dot\eta-{\rm i}\omega_3\eta=0,\end{displaymath}

which has solutions of the form

\begin{displaymath}\eta(t)=A\exp[{\rm i}(\omega_3 t+\phi)],\end{displaymath}

where $A$, $\phi$ and $\omega_3$ are constants. Interpret this result in terms of the precession of $\hbox{{\boldmath$\omega$ }}$.

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Mike Birse