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Hint 5

(a) By conservation of 4-momentum,

\begin{displaymath}{\sf p}_0={\sf p}_f+{\sf p}_X,\end{displaymath}

where the subscript $X$ refers to the exhaust. Since, for the moment, we are not interested in the final energy of the rocket, we can rewrite this as an equation for $\hbox{\ss p}_f$ and square both sides to get

\begin{displaymath}-M_f^2c^2=-M_0^2c^2-2{\sf p}_0\cdot{\sf p}_X.\eqno(1)\end{displaymath}

The initial 4-momentum of the rocket and the 4-momentum of the (massless) exhaust are

\begin{displaymath}{\sf p}_0=(0,0,0,iM_0c),\qquad\qquad {\sf p}_X= (E_X/c)(-1,0,0,i),\end{displaymath}

and hence

\begin{displaymath}{\sf p}_0\cdot{\sf p}_X=-M_0E_X.\end{displaymath}

We can therefore use (1) as an equation for the energy $E_X$ of the exhaust. This gives

\begin{displaymath}E_X={M_0^2-M_f^2\over 2M_0}c^2.\end{displaymath}

(b) (c) You now have everything you need to write down ${\sf p}_X$and ${\sf p}_f$.

(d) If the final speed of the rocket is $v$, then its energy can be written in the form


Equate this to the final energy you found in part (c) and solve for $v$.

Mike Birse