Bosons are particles with integer spin:
spin 0: and
in ground state, pion, Higgs boson
spin 1: and
in first excited state,
photon, W and Z bosons, gluons
spin 2: in ground state, graviton.
Fermions are particles with half-integer spin:
in ground state, proton, neutron, quark, electron, neutrino
spin :
in ground state,
baryons (excitations of the proton
and neutron)
Note that a particle is either a fermion or boson. Excitations will change the spin only by an integer amount. The basic building blocks of atoms are all fermions; composite particles (nuclei, atoms, molecules) made of an odd number of protons, neutrons and electrons are also fermions, whereas those made of an even number are bosons.
Fermions obey the Pauli exclusion principle: no more than one fermion can occupy a single quantum state.
(The value of the spin quantum number is part of the description of the state; if that is ignored then
two spin-
or four spin-
particles can occupy the same spatial state.) This is the basis
of atomic structure and the periodic table, it explains the properties of metals and of white dwarves and neutron
There is no exclusion property for bosons, which are free to (indeed, other things being equal, ``prefer'' to)
into the same quantum state. This explains the spectrum of black-body radiation and the operation of lasers, the
properties of liquid and superconductors.