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5.) Which of the following applies to all fluids, and which to ideal gases only?

a.) ${}\raise0.44ex\hbox{\bf\symbol{'040}}\llap{d}W\ge -P{\rm d}V$ ALL
b.) $\displaystyle W=n R T \ln\left(\frac{V_1}{V_2}\right)$ for isothermal compression IDEAL
c.) ${}\raise0.44ex\hbox{\bf\symbol{'040}}\llap{d}Q=C{\rm d}T$ where $C$ is the appropriate heat capacity ALL
d.) $PV^\gamma=\hbox{const}$ if $ {}\raise0.44ex\hbox{\bf\symbol{'040}}\llap{d}Q=0$ IDEAL
e.) $\displaystyle{\rm d}S\ge \frac {{}\raise0.44ex\hbox{\bf\symbol{'040}}\llap{d}Q} T$ ALL
f.) ${\rm d}E= C_V {\rm d}T$ IDEAL
g.) $C_P-C_V=n R$ IDEAL

Score one point for each correct answer and subtract one for each that you said applied to ALL if it only applied to IDEAL.
Wrongly applying ideal gas formulae, especially (f), to more general gases or fluids is a very common error!

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Judith McGovern 2004-03-17