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The N-particle partition function for distinguishable particles

Let's start with two spins. There are four states of the whole system, $\uparrow \uparrow $ with energy $-2\mu B$, $\uparrow \downarrow $ and $\downarrow\uparrow $, both with energy zero, and $\downarrow\downarrow $ with energy $2\mu B$. Thus the two-particle partition function is

Z_2\!\!\!&=&\!\!\!e^{ 2\mu B\beta}+e^0+e^0+e^{-2\mu B\beta}=e...
\!\!\!&=&\!\!\!(e^{ \mu B\beta}+e^{-\mu B\beta})^2 =(Z_1)^2

In general, for $N$ particles, the energies range through $-N\mu B, -(N-2)\mu B,\ldots -(N-2n_\downarrow )\mu B,\ldots,
N\mu B$ with there being $N!/n_\downarrow !(N-n_\downarrow )!$ separate states with $n_\downarrow $ down-spins. So

Z_N\!\!\!&=&\!\!\!e^{-N\mu B\beta}+\ldots +{N!\over n_\downarr...
\!\!\!&=&\!\!\!(e^{-\mu B\beta}+e^{ \mu B\beta})^N =(Z_1)^N

The treatment for a system with more than two single-particle states is covered here.

There is a caveat, which can be ignored on first reading. The argument says that there are a number of different states with the same number of down spins. Since the spins are arranged on a lattice, this is correct; every spin can be distinguished from every other spin by its position. When we go on to consider a gas, however, this is no longer so, and the relation between $Z_1$ and $Z_N$ changes. The treatment for indistinguishable particles is here.

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Judith McGovern 2004-03-17