Object-Oriented Programming in C++

VS Code

We shall use Visual studio code (an open source IDE that is in very common usage) with the gcc 8 compilers. To avoid complex installation, we provide a complete virtualbox image, but also some instructions to roll your own set-up. [Please note that virtualbox is not compatible with Hyper-V, but you can install your own version of the software, see below.]

Using the virtual machine

  1. Download and install virtualbox.
  2. Download the virtual appliance (a 4.3 GByte file, so use the native onedrive client to download!).
  3. Start virtualbox and import the appliance (complete instructions)>/li>
The following steps show how to import an appliance in OVF format.
  1. Double-click on the OVF or OVA file.
  2. Alternatively, Select File, Import Appliance from the VirtualBox Manager window.
  3. From the file dialog, go to the file with either the .ovf or the .ova file extension.
  4. Click Import to open the Appliance Settings screen.
  5. Check the VM settings (see here)
  6. Start the VM (Called OOP in C++)
  7. Login as “student”, password “00PinC++2021”
  8. Web browser (firefox) and VS code should now start up automatically
  9. Try to use F5 for compiling the HelloWorld code shown.
  10. After that, follow these instructions to make your own example
  11. There are many more relevant instructions in the menu on the left of the instructions under point 9!!

Setting up your own environment:

VS code is available for many platforms (https://code.visualstudio.com/Download), so you can install your own easily. Note, however, that we shall insist you use the gcc-c++ version 8 (higher versions, especially version 9, are probably OK) compilers: Mac users: Clang is not acceptable (MacPorts has https://ports.macports.org/port/gcc8 ) and for windows users you can use mingw as explained here, or WSL2 (windows subsystem for linux), see here.

The instruction on the website https://code.visualstudio.com are a great help