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A.6 Spherical Bessel functions

Spherical bessel functions are solutions of the following equation:

z2d2f dz2 + 2zdf dz +(z2 l(l + 1))f = 0

for integer l.

The regular solution is denoted jl(z) and the irregular one, nl(z) (or sometimes yl(z)). The Mathematica functions for obtaining them are SphericalBesselJ[l, z] and SphericalBesselY[l, z]. For l = 0 the equation is d2g dz2 + g = 0, where g = zf, and so the solutions are j0 = sin zz and n0 = cos zz. The general solutions are

jl(z) = zl 1 z d dzl sin z z andnl(z) = zl 1 z d dzl cos z z .

The asymptotic forms are

jl(z)z sin(z lπ2) z and nl(z)z cos(z lπ2) z ; jl(z)z 0 zl (2l + 1)!! and nl(z)z 0 (2l 1)!!zl1.

(Note “n!!” is like factorial but only including the odd (even) numbers for odd (even) n, eg 7!! = 7 × 5 × 3 × 1 and 6!! = 6 × 4 × 2, with 0!! = 0! 1.)

In spherical polar coordinates the Schrödinger equation for a particle in free space (V (r) = 0) gives the following equation for the radial wavefuntion:

d2R l dr2 + 2 r dRl dr + k2 l(l + 1) r2 Rl = 0

where k2 = 2mE2. So the solution is

Rl(r) = Ajl(kr) + Bnl(kr)

where B will equal zero if the solution has to hold at the origin, but not if the origin is excluded (for instance outside a hard sphere).

Poisson’s integral representation of the regular spherical Bessel functions

jn(z) = zn 2n+1n!11 cos(zx)(x2 1)ndx

together with Rodrigues representation of the Legendre polynomials can be used to show that

jn(z) = 1 2(i)n11eizxP n(x)dx

whence follows the expression for the expansion of a plane wave in spherical polars given in section 5.3.

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