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A.3 Hydrogen wave functions

The solutions of the Schrödinger equation for the Coulomb potential V (r) = cαr have energy En = 1 n2ERy, where ERy = 1 2α2mc2 = 13.6 eV (with m the reduced mass of the electron-proton system). (Recall α = e2 (4πε 0c) 1137.) The spatial wavefunctions are ψnlm(r) = Rn,l(r)Y lm(θ,ϕ).

The radial wavefunctions are as follows, where a0 = c(mc2α):

R1,0(r) = 2 a032 exp r a0 , R2,0(r) = 2 (2a0)32 1 r 2a0 exp r 2a0 , R2,1(r) = 1 3(2a0)32 r a0 exp r 2a0 , R3,0(r) = 2 (3a0)32 1 2r 3a0 + 2r2 27a02 exp r 3a0 , R3,1(r) = 42 9(3a0)32 r a0 1 r 6a0 exp r 3a0 , R3,2(r) = 22 275(3a0)32 r a0 2 exp r 3a0 .

They are normalised, so 0(R n,l(r))2r2dr = 1. Radial wavefuntions of the same l but different n are orthogonal (the spherical harmonics take care of orthogonality for different ls).

The following radial integrals can be proved:

r2 = a02n2 2 (5n2 + 1 3l(l + 1)), r = a0 2 (3n2 l(l + 1)), 1 r = 1 n2a0, 1 r2 = 1 (l + 12)n3a02, 1 r3 = 1 l(l + 12)(l + 1)n3a03.

For hydrogen-like atoms (single-electron ions with nuclear charge eZ) the results are obtained by substituting α Zα (and so a0 a0Z).

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