Summary: If the potential is weak, we can use first order perturbation theory to calculate cross sections.
If the scattering potential is weak, we can ignore multiple interactions and use first-order perturbation theory. In this context, this is called the Born approximation.
First order time-dependent perturbation theory means using Fermi’s golden rule. is constant, not oscillatory, so the energy-conservation -function links incoming and scattering states with the same energy, hence we are dealing with elastic scattering (as already assumed). Our goal is to calculate , so we are interested in all the out-going momentum states which fall within at a given scattering angle :
(Since the density of states is for single particles, we adjusted the normalisation of the incoming beam to also contain one particle in volume ; hence drops out. For the density of states, see A.10. For transforming the argument of delta functions, see A.8.)
Writing , the momentum transfered from the initial to the final state, we have the very general result that is just proportional to , the Fourier transform of .
The classic application is Rutherford scattering, but we will start with a Yukawa potential ; the Coulomb potential is the limit. Taking the -axis along for the spatial integration (this is quite independent of the angles used in defining the scattering direction) and noting that , we get
We note that the independence of is quite general for a spherical potential.
This result, though derived at first-order, is in fact correct to all orders and agrees with the classical expression, which is called the Rutherford cross section. (Just as well for Rutherford!) (The apearance of is only because we have written in terms of .) The reason we took the limit of a Yukawa is that our formalism doesn’t apply to a Coulomb potential, because there is no asymptotic region - the potential is infinite ranged. The cross section blows up at , the forward direction, but obviously we can’t put a detector there as it would be swamped by the beam.
(The references in brackets do not use the FGR to obtain the Born cross section.)