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4.5 Finite width of excited state

Summary: A full treatment of the effect on states of coupling to radiation is beyond the scope of the course. But we can motivate the fact that a finite lifetime leads to broadening of the state.

In first-order perturbation theory, changes in the initial state are ignored. But in fact we have often been told that a state which can decay with a lifetime τ has an uncertainty in its energy of the order ΔE = τ. How does this arise?

At second order in perturbation theory the first-order expressions for the coefficients dn (n i) give a non-vanishing expression for the rate of change of the initial state di . The mathematical treatment required to do this properly is too subtle to be worth giving here, but the bottom line is (taking t = 0 as the starting time for simplicity)

Pii = eΓitwhereΓ i = nRin

which is exactly as one would expect. Γ, which has units of energy, is called the line width; Γ is the total lifetime of the state.

Furthermore if one returns to the derivation of the dn and allows for the fact that di is decaying exponentially (rather than constant as assumed at that order of perturbation theory) we find the integral

i 0tei(ωniω)tΓt(2)dt 1 (ωni ω) + i 2Γ

The modulus is

1 (Eni ω)2 + 1 4Γ2

This is a Lorentzian; Γ is the full width at half maximum and its presence tames the energy δ-function we found originally. (Hence sensible results can be found even if there is not a continuum of photon states.) The upshot is that we no longer need exact energy matching for a transition to occur; the energy of an unstable state is not precise, but has an uncertainty: ΔE Γ = τ.


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