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4.2 Oscillatory perturbation and Fermi’s golden rule

Summary: Fermi’s golden rule is the most important result of this chapter

Without specifying anything more about the system or perturbation, let us consider the case H ̂ (1)(t) = Ĥ(1)eiωt. (Note ω is not now anything to do with the harmonic oscillator, and indeed if we wanted to apply this to that system we’d need to use labels to distinguish the oscillator frequency from the applied frequency).

At the outset we should note that with this problem we are heading towards the interaction of atoms with a radiation field.

For definiteness, let the perturbation apply from t2 to t2. Then

dn(t) = i n|Ĥ(1) |it2t2ei(ωniω)t dt = 2i (ωni ω)n|Ĥ(1) |i sin 1 2(ωni ω)t Pin = 4 2(ωni ω)2 n|Ĥ(1) |i2 sin 2 1 2(ωni ω)t = t2 2 n|Ĥ(1) |i2sinc2 1 2(ωni ω)t

where sinc (x) sin(x)x.

This expression is unproblematic provided ω doesn’t coincide with any excitation energy of the system. In that case, the transition probability just oscillates with time and remains very small.

The more interesting case is where we lift that restriction, but the expression then requires rather careful handling! The standard exposition goes as follows: as t becomes very large, tsinc2(1 2(ωni ω)t) is a sharper and sharper – and taller and taller – function of ωni ω, and in fact tends to 2πδ(ωni ω). (The normalisation comes from comparing the integrals of each side with respect to ω: sinc2xdx = π. See section A.8 for more on δ-functions.) Then we have

Pin = 2πt 2 n|Ĥ(1) |i2δ(ω ni ω).

The need to take the average over a long time period to obtain the frequency-matching delta function is easily understood if we remember that any wave train only approaches monochromaticity in the limit that it is very long; any truncation induces a spread of frequencies.

So the probability increases linearly with time, which accords with our expectation if the perturbation has a certain chance of inducing the transition in any given time interval. Finally then, we write for the transition rate (probability per unit time):

Rin = 1 t Pin = 2π n|Ĥ(1) |i2δ(E ni ω)

This result is commonly known as “Fermi’s golden rule”, and it is the main result of this section. We have written ω = E to highlight the δ-function as enforcing conservation of energy in the transition: the energy difference between the final and initial state must be supplied by the perturbation. Although we have assumed nothing about radiation in the derivation, we have ended up with the prediction that only the correct frequency of perturbation can induce a transition, a result reminiscent of the photoelectric effect which demonstrates empirically that energy is absorbed from fields in quanta of energy ω.

Taking on trust its importance though, how are we to interpret it? Taken literally, it says that if E Eni nothing happens, which is dull, and if E = Eni the transition rate is infinite and first-order perturbation theory would appear to have broken down! The resolution is that for actual applications, we do not have perfectly monochromatic radiation inducing transitions to single, absolutely sharp energy levels. Such a perfect resonance would indeed give infinite transition rates, but is unphysical. In practice there is always an integration over energy, with a weighting function ρ(E) which is a distribution function smearing the strength over a range of energies. Authors who don’t like playing with δ functions leave the t2sinc2() form in place till this is evident, but the bottom line is the same (see eg Mandl).

Had we started from Ĥ(1)eiωt we would have ended up with δ(Eni + E) In this case, energy must be given up to the perturbing field: this is emission rather than absorption. With a real field cos(ωt) = 1 2(eiωt + eiωt), both processes can occur.

Finally we must point out that though we’ve derived Fermi’s golden rule for oscillatory perturbations, the expression holds equally in the ω 0 limit i.e. for a constant perturbation acting from time t2 t2. It should be easy to see that exactly the same result is obtained, except that the energy-conservation δ-function is simply δEni. This form is more appropriate if, instead of considering an external field which can supply or absorb energy, one thinks in terms of photons and defines n and i to include not only the atomic state, but also any incoming or out-going photon. Viewed in that way the energies of the initial and final state must be the same. Both derivations are valid but the one given here is more appropriate for our purposes given that we are not going to quantise the radiation field. (Wait till next year for that!) However the constant perturbation form will be used in scattering in the next chapter.

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