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4.1 Formalism

Summary: Time-dependent perturbation theory applies to cases where the perturbing field changes with time, but also to processes such as absorption and emission of photons, and to scattering.

In time-dependent perturbation theory, we typically consider a situation where, at the beginning and end, the only Hamiltonian acting is the time-independent Ĥ(0), but for some time in between another, possibly time-dependent, effect acts so that for this period Ĥ = Ĥ(0) + Ĥ(1)(t). If a system starts off in an eigenstate of Ĥ(0) it will have a certain probability of ending up in another, and that transition probability is generally what we are interested in.

There are many similarities in approach to the time-independent case, but it is worth noting that our interest in the states n(0) is slightly different. In the time-independent case these were only approximations to the true eigenstates of the system. In the time-dependent case they remain the actual eigenstates of the system asymptotically (a phrase that means away from the influence of the perturbation, either in space or, as here, in time). Furthermore while the time-dependent perturbation is acting the familiar connectionbetween the TISE and TDSE breaks down, so the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, while instantaneously definable, are not of any real significance anyway. For that reason we will drop the label (0) on the states, since we won’t be defining any other set of states, and similarly we will refer to their unperturbed energies just as En .

Because the states n are a complete set, at any instant we can decompose the state of the system

ψ(t) = ncn(t) n ndn(t)eiEnt n

In defining the dn(t) we have pulled out the time variation due to Ĥ(0). So in the absence of the perturbation, the dn would be constant and equal to their initial values. Conversely, it is the time evolution of the dn which tells us about the effect of the perturbation. Typically we start with all the dn except one equal to zero, and look for non-zero values of the others subsequently.

(Ĥ(0) + Ĥ(1) (t)) ψ(t) = i d dt ψ(t) in = mdm(t)eiωnmtn|Ĥ(1) (t)|m

where we used m as the dummy index in the summation and took the inner product with eiEn tn , and we have defined ωnm (En Em) (and n represents the time derivative of dn.)

So far this is exact, but usually impossible to solve, consisting of an infinite set of coupled differential equations! Which is where perturbation theory comes in. If we start with di (t0 ) = 1 and all others zero (i for initial), and if the effect of Ĥ(1) is small, then di will always be much bigger than all the others and, to first order, we can replace the sum overall states by just the contribution of the ith state. Furthermore to this order di barely changes, so we can take it out of the time integral to get

dn(t) = i t0teiωnitn|Ĥ(1) (t)|idt

Having obtained a first-order expression for the dn , we could substitute it back in to get a better, second-order, approximation and so on.

  4.1.1 Perturbation which is switched on slowly
  4.1.2 Sudden perturbation
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